Film Creation and Training

Shoots feature films on either Monday or Saturday and creates them on Tuesday Night 7 PM t0 10 PM

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Rando and Siouxie – Scene shot for Group Class

Every Tuesday night 7 PM to 10 PM

Our group program convenes every Tuesday at 7:00 PM and welcomes individuals 18 years or older who are committed to acting, filmmaking, and fulfilling commitments. We aim to train actors and produce professional films that will be a source of pride. Our offerings are completely free of charge, and we also provide extra complimentary services to our members. To become part of the Group, simply click the link below and fill out a straightforward profile form.

  • Must be willing and able to be cast in our films when ready
  • Attends every week
  • Works and performs material from a film you will be or are cast in.
  • May also schedule for private or scene study.
  • Seat is guaranteed.
  • Priority Casting
  • Priority in all scheduled activities and events.
  • Must notify coach if they are not going to be there which should be rare.
  • All material in class comes from a film you are in or will be cast in